When you need money for an emergency bill, you don’t have weeks or months to wait for a traditional loan to clear. That leaking pipe, broken furnace, inoperable car – it’s unlikely a repair specialist will agree to fix the problem and then wait on the payment. Green Payday loans help you get the money you need in a hurry. Here are five facts you need to know about Green Payday loans.
You Work With a Lender
The rate you pay with a Green Payday loan is determined by the lender you select. Your loan application is shopped around to get you the best possible deal. You gain instant approval without having to negotiate for weeks, faxing or mailing additional paperwork. It’s one simple, quick application that you fill out online. Plus, all paperwork is signed electronically.
Money is Deposited Directly to Your Account
Once your loan is approved, often minutes after you apply, the money is submitted electronically to your bank account. You do not have to wait weeks for a check to arrive in the mail.
Bad Credit Will Not Automatically Be Denied
There are situations that can cause your credit score to dip. Don’t worry about being denied for a Green Payday loan if you have bad credit. Lenders who specialize in loans for people with bad credit work with Green Payday to ensure you get the best possible loan terms.
Your Credit Score is Not Affected
When you apply for a traditional loan, each time your credit report is accessed, it impacts your credit score. Green Payday does not require a credit score check, so you don’t have to worry about having your credit score dip.
Minimal Information is Needed
To apply for a Green Payday loan, you need to answer just a few questions and meet certain requirements. First, you must be at least 18 years of age. You need to hold a job that pays a minimum of $1,000 a month after taxes. Finally, you need to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and have a checking account.
Green Payday loans wants to make sure you have the money you need for whatever emergency you face. Why deal with lenders who make the process difficult? Choose the lender you work with and decide what terms best fit your needs with Green Payday.