Cash Loan

Given the current economic climate, if you face a difficult financial condition such as credit card bills or urgent medical bills, and you do not have adequate money in hand to pay for these expenses, you can ask a financial lender to work out your monetary problem easily and quickly.

Cash loans are short-term loans, normally for a small sum, in which the borrower’s past credit is not checked by the economic institution. The contract usually involves the borrower giving post-dated checks to the provider. The amount stated in the check includes the part or the whole sum of the borrowed money in addition to the fee or interest. The amount is mechanically deducted from the borrower’s account once the due date arrives.

Applying for a Cash Loan

Since banks have access to your bank account, dealing with a monetary institution gives them the flexibility to mechanically withdraw and deposit the money with your approval. Before applying for a cash loan, one must consent to the sum of the loan. Payments for the loan can be a one time charge for any sum, or it can be a percentage in proportion to the amount borrowed. Finally when the amount is consented upon, the loan money is deposited directly into the borrower’s account. After the prearranged point of payment, the sum is mechanically withdrawn from account.

Post-Dated Checks

Not every cash advance lender requires a post-dated check, so be sure to verify that. Some feel that your signature on the loan paperwork is enough of a guarantee. This is advantageous as if the check is cashed before you’ve moved money to your checking account, you can face returned check fees that drive costs up.

When dealing with other monetary institutions other than a bank, the borrower is normally required to have a checking account as well as present a compulsory set of documents proving that he has the capability to repay the loan. The procedure remains similar, the sum of the loan needs to be agreed upon initially and the monthly outstanding balance calculated accordingly. Since these monetary establishments do not have right of entry to the bank accounts, post-dated checks are issued by the borrower as loan payments. The post-dated checks would match according to each due date.


In cases where the borrower is unable to pay loan money on a stipulated date, he has the option to ask for for an extension. An extension includes additional charges in addition to the interest on the already present loan money.

State laws may prevent your cash advance from being rolled over into a new loan. It’s always best to pay your loan on time, but if it’s simply not possible, talk to the lender about your options for rolling the loan over or getting an extension.

Cash Payroll Loan

A cash payroll loan is a short-duration loan that provides an urgent need for money on a short term basis. These loans are meant for employees who need to overcome a cash flow gap between paydays. A cash payroll loan is easy and fast to obtain. You can initially apply for a $500 to $3,000 loan and, on its acceptance, the money is instantly deposited into your bank account. Cash payroll loans are offered by numerous financial lenders.

It is advisable to apply for a loan to pay back the current payday loan. This is akin to borrowing from Peter to pay Paul! Try to avoid extending the payday loan. If you do extend your payday loan, you will be trapped in repeated debt cycles that will put you in a financial bind. Make sure that you use this payday loan sensibly, that is, only to pay for the most urgent expenses.

Know and Understand the Loan Terms

Most states require payday loan companies to present borrowers with clear truth-in-lending paperwork. This details how much you are borrowing, what it will cost when you add interest, and how long you’ll be paying the loan for. If you do not understand the terms and conditions that apply to your loan, ask questions. Never sign paperwork until you’re clear on how much you’ll be paying, when the payment/s are due, and where to go to make your payments, whether it’s an actual location or through an online payment system.