The very definition of an emergency involves a situation that is unexpected. When you have an emergency expense, there is no time to wait for your bank or credit union to process your loan application, wait for underwriting to do go through the numbers and offer approval or denial, and then wait even longer for money to reach your account. With a payday loan, you can have the money in a matter of hours instead of days, weeks, or even months.
Nothing is Easier than a Payday Loan
If your car, water heater, or furnace quits, you do not have time to waste. Typically, it can take a few weeks before you have cash in hand with a personal loan from your bank. Home equity loans can take even longer than that. With a payday loan, you borrow the money you need and have approval and cash in hand within a business day with most companies. That ensures you have the money you need to pay for emergency repairs or replacement.
The process for applying for a payday loan is easy. You answer a few questions, usually this entails your name, address, and SSN. Hit submit and you’ll have your loan approval or denial in a matter of minutes. Money is they transferred straight to the bank account you choose, and there’s about one business day for the money transfer to be completed. A payday loan is that easy.
Make Sure You Can Repay What You Borrow
Payday loans are not to be taken lightly, just as you would handle a personal or home equity loan. You borrow the cash you need and typically with a payday loan, you have a few weeks to a month to pay it back. The understanding is that you will pay it back by the time your next paycheck arrives. If you fail to make the payment, then you face high interest rates and late fees.