Cash Advance Credit Card Workarounds
Cash advance facility is something useful if understood properly. These are nothing but the short term loans that you can take in case of emergencies especially when a person depends on a paycheck to pay the bills.
There are many types of emergencies; right from any medical emergencies to unexpected sudden expenses. These all conditions may make person to go for the cash advance credit card. Tough cash advances are done against a credit card of paycheck, the tax or interest on this so called 'short term loan' starts from the moment it is taken. Bank or card provider understands that the cash advance must be used in emergencies, so it is natural that they put more interest rates.
Cash advance credit card workaround includes of having the knowledge of its interest rates and the repayment. Mind it that even if the credit is extended in case of an individual is not able to pay the loan within specified time, there will be increase in the interest rates on the original interest, ultimately resulting into sky-high as compared to the interest on regular loan.
Short term loans
Since, the cash advance credit card system is for 'short term' and really 'short term', the amount allowed to withdraw is limited, generally ranging $500-$1000 as they are to be paid soon. You can find cash advance credit card workaround for this by making the payment in installments. For this, you need to speak to the card provider. In this, the borrower needs to give post-dated checks to the company containing enough funds in total that can cover both; the interest and the principle amount which is taken as cash advance through credit card.
Not applying for cash advances every now and then is another good cash advance credit card workaround because it is a form of loan with very high interest rates. It is always better to consider to rest of all the options other than going for the cash advance credit card system.
Once you take your cash advance through your credit card, be sure about repayment of that along with the interests. Ask straightforwardly to your banker or credit card provider about the hidden charges. The good workaround for cash advances through credit card beings with the calculation of the regular repayment along with all the charges and interests.
Another good workaround for the cash advance is going for the scheme in which you can transfer your funds from other bank account to the credit card account. This is one of the best available solutions for getting rid of the debt cycle. For instance, if you are having the salary account in some bank and if it is possible to link up between the credit card account and salary account, it will transfer the money on accurate date. This will make you tension free for paying the debt or the due amounts.